For those who have not heard about my labor experience, let me tell ya how everything went...
I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, April 29th and the doctor told me that I had to go to the hospital then because I was leaking fluid. I was not ready at all, so I cried all the way home( to go get my hospital bag) and cried all the way to the hospital (I was so scared!!!!) When I got to the hospital around 1pm, I was admitted and was taken upstairs to get an IV in (for Patocin). The nurse was terrible!!! She missed like 4 times, leaving me a huge bruise. After a while, she finally was able to put it in. I was at 1 centimeter for the longest time. I ended up taking an epideral at 5:30am the next day (25 hours of labor!!!) at 5/6 cm dialated. My contractions were coming in closer and closer. To make this story short, when I wasfinally dialated to 10cm, I pushed and pushed for almost 2 hours=( I was so dehydrated too! They told me I couldn't have any water=( Sad to say, I caught a fever and my blood pressure went up and Caylee's heart rate went up. For that reason, my doc. did an episiotomy on me and she vaccumed her out. Despite what I had to go through, seeing Caylee for the first time, it was all worth it. We love her so much! I still find myself crying when I look at her. She was born on April 30, 2008 at 2:23pm, weighing 7lbs. 1 oz, 20 inches long. She is just so precious; we adore her so much!
My first week home from the hospital after having Caylee was not the greatest.. I had the baby blues, crying everyday and not eating or drinking very well. I was really upset the fact that I really didn't know what I was doing. My breast milk was not coming in until almost a week later, which made Caylee so hungry that I was so upset and stressed out. Thank goodness for my wonderful friend, Leslie who drove all the way down from Roseville to help me for 4 days! Thank you so much, Leslie! Brad and I would not have survived without your help!
When Caylee was 6 days old, she had some pictures taken by Dina Love. She did an awesome job. We had her birth announcement done by her as well. (Thanks, Dina;) ) If you want to see more work done by her, go to:
Here are some pictures of Caylee, enjoy=)