Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A gift from Heavenly Father

So after being in my new ward for almost about 7 months, I received a calling! I'm serving in the Y.W. presidency as a second counselor.

After being without a calling for so long, I kind of got comfortable not really doing anything on Sundays. I kind of enjoyed it, but I'm grateful that I received this new calling. I'm almost getting over my sickness of being pregnant with my first trimester, and I feel that this is the perfect time to receive one. I'm so pumped up and excited about this calling. I really want to make a difference in these girls' lives. Some are struggling and there are many inactive girls. Wish me luck guys;)

A trip to Bakersfield

Last weekend, Brad and I were able to go up to Bakersfield on conference week. It happened to be on Brad's Dad, Dan's birthday on Saturday, so we were able to celebrate it on Sunday, along with our pregnancy announcement. We wanted to announce it when everyone was around but with family of ten kids and their wives, it wasn't possible to get everyone together. So at the end of Sunday night, we finally told ourselves to just say it casually, and told the rest of the family on Monday.

Brad and I are excited to be having this baby. I hope everything goes well and that I will have this baby without scarying the crap out of me because delivery is one of the biggest reasons that has kept me from getting pregnant. hmm.... I wonder if it is going to be a girl or a boy. I have a feeling that it is a boy though. We are kind of hoping that it is a boy, but if it's a girl, we will still be very happy! I just want a healthy baby.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Look What's cookin'

Now, don't freak out when you see this...

Ok, keep scrolling down....


Yes, I'm pregnant. .... And yes, I feel sick every day, but can't throw anything back up. Lucky me... I'm on my 11th week, and got my 2nd ultra sound today. Everything appeared to be fine, which is a total relief for me.